Friday, September 4, 2009

Week Thirteen: Melissa - The event planner

I am the leader of the Health/Wellness Team at my work and on Wednesday, we held a company-wide health fair featuring information on ergonomics, fitness, dental care, nutrition, and even hypnotherapy. I was the main organizer of this event, so this week has been a bit stressful for me. This was the first event that I've ever organized, so I was extremely nervous about how it was going to go. The typical fears were running through my head non-stop, such as the vendors canceling, going over-budget, not getting set-up on time, etc. Then, of course, the biggest fear of all- nobody showing up! So I just kept telling myself, "we're providing free food, everybody loves free food, people will come for the food..." (think Costco on free sample day). BUT, much to my relief, the event turned out to be an outstanding success (and not just because of the free food). What a relief! I've been getting constant positive feedback from people that I don't even know. It's such a great feeling to know that I am capable of successfully putting on such a large (large by my standards) event.
On top of organizing the health fair, I've also been been busy doing my normal job (don't exactly know how I'm managing to maintain composure), so I haven't gotten a chance to put to much time into blogging this week. My brain is full to the max! I am so looking forward to this three-day weekend.

Peppercorn's first race time: Paws In The Park 5k: 42 mins (pretty good for a pup only 5 1/2 months old, she had a great time!).
She will also be doing the PAWSwalk on 9/12/09 with Team Terriers. If you want to walk with me and my team, just let me know and I'll give you all of the info. It's free to join.

Only 12 more weeks until the marathon!

Week Thirteen
8/31 - Rest day
9/1 - Run 4 miles
9/2 - Run 6 miles on a hilly course
9/3 - Rest day
9/4 - Run 4 miles
9/5 - Run 4 miles
9/6 - Long run - 10 miles

Total miles for the week: 28

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